Portfolio Website Design

Because I’m a mountain hiking enthusiast, and also because I built my brand around mountains, I wanted to create a portfolio website that showcases my designs as well as reflect […]

Study Project Team Logo

I had a habit of designing logo’s inspired by first meetings with my peers during projects that usually ended up being used one way or another. Well Communications was made […]

Custom logo for beerglasses

Beerglasses with printed logos

I designed a custom logo for use in high-beer advertising and general communications by a local brasserie. The design went through a few iterations. Upon request, I also supplied an […]

Mock album covers

Compiled album cover designs

A collection of mock album covers I designed as part of an exercise. The exercise prompt was to take random Wikipedia articles as band- and albumnames, and the result had […]

Daily UI Challenges

To improve my UX designer skills I opted to participate in the daily UI challenge where I’d produce a different UI every other workday. More to follow…